Saturday, October 4, 2008

A new name and a new place

I have decided that if I must start over then I should start with a new name.  Well it isn't a totally new name I have used it on MSN some.

I will now be.......drumroll please....... manickathy  my new email will be and my new "street" address will be:  The name of my new blog will be: A Field of Daisies.

Guess that's it?  Spread the word. 

I am trying to find everyone and add their feed to my google reader thingy.

So sad......

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Friday, October 3, 2008

Moving? Saving the old?

I guess I shouldn't be shocked that AOL is closing out our blogs.  I will find a new place and let everyone know.

In the meantime........what's the best way to save my old journal?  There is a lot of stuff in there I want to keep. HELP.

Always remember me at and if worse comes to worse I am also at (although that one might change in the future.)




Monday, September 29, 2008

It's Monday. Again.

It's that time of year that we get wacky weather here.  We had days and days of rain and wind.  It was from a storm (Kyle?) that was hitting the NC coastline.  It was also chilly.  Now the temps are back up and the AC back on.

As I tried to log onto AOL today I kept getting an error message.  I had to hunt and dig for an old AOL CD so I could re-install it.  Gesh.  It has been quite a while since I had to do that.

I'm new over at  I use the name manickathy over there.

Fall TV season is starting.  Still nothing great.  Oh I do (or did last season) like Pushing Daisies, Chuck, and I might like this new show The Mentalist (on CBS).

Dad goes this Wednesday night for his sleep test.  After that I might make him go back to his regular doctor again.  I don't like his breathing.  No silly, I like that he IS breathing.  He sounds like he is breathing really hard at times.

As you probably know I am a worrier.  Always have been and will probably always will be.   For that reason I hope you will understand that I don't (can't) talk about the way the USA economy seems to falling apart, banks not exactly failing but needing bailing out.  My "worry" part can take these topics and run for days on how bad it can/will get.  We are talking nightmare city folks.

I will be ok.  I will plug along like always.  I wish that I had a friend here in town to lean on.  I wish my mom was still alive. 

Ok, pity party over.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

great news!

More entries over there:   Forever Forward  Hope you are enjoying them.  I get more forwarded email than I post (some just aren't all that great) and I am trying to empty out the mail box but I still have more I want to share with everyone.

Great news!  While the doctor told me in December 2007 that I had diabetes I think I was more on the borderline.  Why?  From looking at my newest blood test and thinking back.  The blood test AC1 (I think that's it) is supposed to be 7.0 or less.  In December I was 6.7, sometime after mom passed I was 6.2.  The test this past week came back as 5.7.  WHOO HOO  That is a whole point drop in less than a year.  And considering how this year has been (my eating crazy with mom sick and passing, not exercising) that is unbelievable!  I guess I have been sticking to my diet better than I thought I was.

Can you believe it is practically fall?  Went outside this morning and it was almost chilly!  Leaves have been falling.  I don't mind fall.  Actually I like chilly weather better than hot.  I stocked up on some soups as soup sounds good when there is a chill in the air.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Forever Forward

Three new entries over there: Forever Forward  Remember that is my journal to share all that forwarded mail I get.  I put it at Forever Forward to keep from forwarding on to you -- cutting back on all that email you have just sitting there waiting to be read.  LOL



Thursday, September 11, 2008

Really stupid tv

I -- as much as the next person -- like some stupid tv every so often.  I will admit to watching some pretty lame "reality" shows to see what they are about.  I love shows like Bravo's "Project Runway" and "Top Design".

BUT....CMT (country music television) has really came up with something so, so.....well I can't think of the word for it.  It is called "Outsiders Inn".  It is a loosely scripted reality show?  And it stars  -- are you ready for this? --  Maureen McCormick (Marsha from the Brady Bunch), Bobby Brown (singer that was married to Whitney Houston)  and Carnie Wilson (singer and daughter of one the beach boys.)  Who thought of putting those 3 together on one show was (is) crazy!  To read more about it and if you are brave enough to watch some snipits of the show go here: : Shows : Outsiders Inn : Main Page  And if you don't know who Maureen, Bobby and Carnie are you can read more about them here: : Shows : Outsiders Inn : Characters.

And if you just love rednecks then you'll want to check out: : Shows : CMT's Biggest Redneck Wedding Ever : Main Page 

Gesh, I knew there was a reason I didn't watch CMT!  Oh but what you will find when flipping channels!  LOL



Never Forget